Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis Of The Movie The Band Played On - 1261 Words

INSERT SURNAME 1 Author Tutor Course Date Words I Never Said And the Band Played on is a movie that illustrated the AIDs crisis in the 1980s and the early 1990s. The movie did touch on subjects concerning the reaction of the gay community, the heterosexual community, and the medical community. It shows not only the AIDs research but also how the US government dealt with it (Curran, 56). The movie shows the consequences the gay community experienced, the plight of the medical community in investigating the disease and the issue of government response to it. The movie contains various forms of oppression, especially to the gay community. The US government did not support the gay community and, as a result, AIDs was associated with them which brought about oppression against sexual orientation (Curran, 56). When AIDs has discovered the gay community suffered at the hands of social alienation, the name AIDs singled out the gay community as the only ones who could acquire the disease. This movie shows the US government oppressing the gay community to an extent of closing their bath houses. They believed that in these places the AIDs virus was spreading and the gay community also suffered major emotional trauma as little was known about the disease. The medical community, on the other hand, had much trouble in the progress of researching the disease (Curran, 56). At first, the disease had no name that was partly since no one wanted to declare that there was a discovery of a newShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Titanic And The Band Played On 904 Words   |  4 PagesBefore I watch the movie, I presumed the title, â€Å"And the Band Played On,† to be a reference to the movie â€Å"Titanic,† which they were speaking about the string quartet that continued to play as the ship sank. Since watching the movie I think it referenced â€Å"business as usual.† Just like in Titanic, no one was concerned about the ship sinking until it was too late. In the movie â€Å"And the Band Played On,† In the same way, AIDS was considered, just a gay disease, and wasn t seen as the epidemic with inRead MoreEssay on And The Band Played On832 Words   |  4 PagesAnd the Band Played On The movie, And the Band Played On, discusses the origin of the AIDS virus and how it spontaneously spread across the world. It used the Ebola disease to foreshadow the forth coming of another serious disease. The world was not prepared to handle such a contagious plague. Doctors around the world assumed that the first cases of the HIV virus to be just an abnormality of a certain disease, their carelessness of this matter was the start to the spread of this disease. ThroughoutRead MoreThe Movie Exhibition Industry: 2011 Essay1196 Words   |  5 PagesMGMT-780-623 - Week 3 Assignment The Movie Exhibition Industry: 2011 SWOT Analysis Strengths Internal – new digital technology with 3D optional feature, buildings (whether rented or owned) are large (most are multi and megaplex style) External – leverage in both the concession industry and the distribution industry Weaknesses Internal – rely on concessions and advertisements, concession pricing, experience largely the same as every competitor External – content, consumer income, marketingRead MorePorter s Five Forces Framework992 Words   |  4 Pages5 forces analysis Porter s Five Forces Framework is a tool for analyzing competition of a business of an industry in terms of its profitability. The most unattractive industry would be one approaching pure competition, in which available profits for all firms are driven to normal profit levels. The five-forces perspective is associated with its originator, Michael E. Porter of Harvard University. This framework was first published in Harvard Business Review in 1979. Each industry generates profitsRead MoreAnd the Band Played on1242 Words   |  5 PagesAND THE BAND PLAYED ON MICROBIOLOGY 2202-2 MRS. SUSAN MCCULLUM AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is related to HIV, but they are not one in the same. A person has AIDS only in the final stages of HIV, after the immune system becomes unable to defend itself against foreign bacteria, other viruses, and fungi, and allows for the development of certain cancers. The world first became aware of AIDS in the early 1980s. Growing numbers of gay men in New York and California were developingRead MoreTelevision Genre And Style Of Mockumentaries Essay1736 Words   |  7 Pagessignificance and impact of the shows that emulated this mockumentary style. Lastly, the paper will look to the current cultural contexts and the social impacts of the popular, modern day televisions shows that incorporate these styles. Through the analysis of the mockumentary style in the combination of the historical lens and the definitional lens, modern day shows that utilize this subgenre will be better understood as well as their impacts on society itself. According to Oxford Dictionary, a mockumentaryRead MoreThe Culture Of The Music Industry1740 Words   |  7 Pagesthem for their own personal album or for a variety of other reasons like TV shows or advertisements. Music publishing houses also form licenses for the songs the company represents. They can collect fees through this. (McDonald) Ralph- Environmental Analysis- When analyzing an industry’s composition, external factors that have a critical impact on that industry’s success are often over-looked. The actual question at hand when considering the significance of external forces is whether or not that industryRead MoreFemale Writers : Mean Girls ( Tina Fey ) And Clueless ( Amy Heckerling ) Essay1497 Words   |  6 Pageswomen?; Do they talk to each other?; About something other than a man?† (Kusina, 2015). It is very clear that all of the movies about teenaged girl cliques are passing the Bechdel Test based on these three questions. It would improve the feminist analysis of film if there were to be a proposition to adding one more question to the Bechdel Test. When watching films that have a female dominated cast, a fourth question could be; â€Å"Are the women talking about each other?† It would be interesting to seeRead MoreAnalysis Of Claude Levi Strauss s Black As Slacker Dewey Finn 1602 Words   |  7 Pages this American pair, and the surrounding culture, make it necessary that the trickster not remain so; he has to join one side or the other. Claude Là ©vi-Strauss sought a scientific approach to the interpretation of the meaning of myths. To perform an analysis, he would first collect every version and variant of a myth possible. Each version would be broken down into its individual plot elements, and these elements were then plotted on a chart to show how they fit together. The charts would be comparedRead MoreSocial Injustice During The Film Selma, Directed By Ava Duvernay1642 Words   |  7 PagesIn the movie Selma, directed by Ava DuVernay showcases a lot of social injustice during the 1960 s. The portion of the film that I focused on in Selma was the migration scene, which is about seventy minutes into the movie. Within the migration scene from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, several cinematic devices play a pivotal role in understanding why white supremacist attacked black peopl e during the 1960 s. The scene showcases a group of African Americans that band together from the city of Selma

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Understanding Schizophreni How Do You Know - 870 Words

Understanding Schizophrenia 4 Understanding Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a disorder of varying symptoms, in fact until the current edition of the DSM-V this disorder was broken into subtypes such as catatonic, disorganized, paranoid, undifferentiated, and residual. There many facets of schizophrenia such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, social isolation, as well as intense suspicion or agitation, each of which contributed to the previous subtypes of schizophrenia. Today, individuals with schizophrenia are assessed severity of symptoms rather than by classification. How Do You Know Yesterday?s View and Today?s Knowledge Research has shown that one of the main factors of schizophrenia is genetics. Despite the fact that there has†¦show more content†¦This perspective is possibly the oldest in regards to the investigation of schizophrenia, beginning with the original term for schizophrenia, dementia praecox, which described what most believed to be a chronic condition of weakening one?s mind (Jablensky, 2010). Today, schizophrenia is understood through the cognitive and psychoanalytical model as well. In fact the cognitive approach to schizophrenia today is not as insular as typically thought when associated to mental illnesses. In fact, cognitive approach addresses the environment, neurological, and behavioral interactions within the stressors of schizophrenia (Beck Rector, 2005). Myth and Confusion With so many factors contributing to schizophrenia, and many mental disorders with similar symptoms it is easy to confuse information. Some of the beliefs about schizophrenia range from, confusion while others are plain fiction. In some cases schizophrenia is used interchangeably with dissociative identity disorder; however, those that have schizophrenia also have auditory hallucinations which can be mistaken for shifts in personality (Dorahy et al., 2009). There are also some interesting risk factors that sound like myth, but have viable research to as support. Such examples include being born during winter

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Organizing Function of Managing Physical Assets Free Sample

Question: Discuss about the Manage Physical Assets. Answer: Manage Physical asset The physical asset is known as an item of economic, marketable or substitute value that has a substantial or material existence. However, in most of the businesses, physical asset means cash, inventory, equipment and properties that are owned by the organization. Physical assets are actually the opposite of insubstantial assets including leases, agreements and computer programs. These are also known as non-physical assets. It is highly important to make sure that industrial health and safety issues are not ignored. That is why; employees should adopt a systematic approach to managing their health and safety. It is no easy to establish a management system that can work effectively to solve health and safety problems. In order to implement such a system, it is essential to include health and safety as an integral part of the management function. Some elements are highly important that will make a system effective. The elements that are discussed below were gathered from AS/NZS 4804, occupational health and safety management system and systems and supporting techniques. obligation and policy of management planning execution measurement and assessment examination and enhancement Managers In order to manage and handle health and safety policies, managers of an organization play a major role. They have their responsibilities, by which they can control to make sure that, proper roles and responsibilities are carried out in detail so that health and safety policies and procedures are maintained they can execute effectively and relevant health and safety rules and regulations Normally, companies follow two types of monitoring activities to figure out how satisfying its performance is. These monitoring systems also help them to recognize the areas that need further consideration. These two types of monitoring systems are known as compliance monitoring and performance monitoring. Compliance monitoring The definition of compliance is stated as a bonding between necessities of law, business and organizational principles and codes, rules and regulations of good authority and accepted community and ethical principles. The primary objective of conformity monitoring and compliance auditing is to develop whether a method or practice will be carried out in conformance with applicable external requirements or will be set through legislation, system and directions. In includes investigating at a reasonably uncomplicated level. The goal of the investigation is to find out how companies do something and confirm compliance with criteria. Performing monitoring The characteristics of this type of monitoring are mentioned below, This type of monitoring helps to gain uninterrupted enhancement that in turn serves an organization to achieve its business objectives It helps to figure out achievements and successes Deals with the standards issued by State Records It not only helps to develop new services but also to enhance existing tools and services Management Asset management Asset management is known as a scheme that observes and supports things of value to an individual group. It applies to both substantial assets like buildings and insubstantial assets like human capital and monetary assets. Asset management can be defined as an efficient process, by which assets are allocated, operated, enhanced, maintained and disposed of cost effectively. Asset management is generally used in the world of finance to demonstrate people and organizations that supervise funds on behalf of others. Investment managers are the biggest example of this who supervises the possessions of a pension fund. Substitute views of asset management in the engineering background are the practice of supervising assets in order to attain maximum return. It also helps in the method of monitoring and maintaining facilities systems. Asset management is mainly useful for prolific assets like plants and equipment. Conversation with team It is highly important to play to individual strengths in order to figure out strengths of each member. This will help to place them in the perfect place so that they can perform productively. It is not possible that an employee can get better upon an insufficiency. Especially, if that insufficiency is a part of their nature, then it becomes more difficult to manage it. It is said that, if a person is not good at something, he will never be good at that thing. You will have to decide whether that person is good at completing other responsibilities or not. If he is able to complete other tasks, then he should be assigned to someone who will help him to overcome the deficiency. I recruited an account manager who had the skill to handle customers brilliantly. She was able to handle our most difficult customers. However, she was not good at details. That is why; I assigned another team member with her who used to review the documents for her. Persuade transparency Teams are like families and that is why; they should get the chance to work things out on their own. In the case of issues and challenges, you will have to bring together the team members who are not getting along. You should not allow them to put you in the middle of he said/she said condition. The primary job for you is to make the team members know each other well. There is no doubt that this approach is highly uncomfortable. However, if the employees can understand that the main goal of this strategy is to bring them together, then they will start to respond slowly but steadily. As a result, they will start working with each other and will involve you only when it is necessary. Develop ground rules It is obvious that your team needs to know the method and process you follow while operating. I am a solution related manager, and I feel good while interacting about problems of a project or an approach. However, I would also like to see everyone contributing ideas in order to figure out a solution to those problems. I know that problems will create obstacles; however, I do not like to waste time discussing whose fault it is and why it took place. These things can be discussed later at an appropriate time. The foremost thing would be to find a solution for the problem. Grant an incentive It is important to set a goal for your teams such as a day off, in the end, suppleness in their working time or an incentive or bonus. You should understand that like different skills set, each employee will respond to different incentives. Therefore, you will have to rotate the types of inventive you want to provide. I have some team members for whom a time off or experience matters more than money. Providing bonus program is a positive move; however, providing an extra day off or a gift card to a nice restaurant will cultivate better results. That is why every employee is different from each other. Feedback It is important to collect feedback on some important subjects such as, User attitude: You will have to find out how users are thinking about an issue. For example, if you ask a customer what a button color should be, the response will not help you to evaluate anything. However, his impression will allow you to change features, which will help to address the problem. Use critical incident process: In this process, it is important to conduct one to one communication with the consumers. You will have to ask the consumers to recall particular times when they faced challenges while using your product, or they felt satisfied while using your product. Find out habits: You should ask your consumers about their habits. For example, what is the most common method they use to do a task? This will disclose many problems they never knew were there. For example, if one of your users is doing something using a long process that they could do with a short cut, then you will have to fix it accordingly.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Something You Wish You Could Change free essay sample

My family recently went through a situation that has really opened my eyes to how unfair our law system is. I never realized the District Attorney had screeners that get to pick and choose what cases will get tried, and if they don’t take the case that person gets off easy. I believe if you break the law you should get tried and get the punishment you deserve, no matter what. The reason I believe everyone deserves to be punished for their action is because my sister recently was a victim of what the cops said was a class three sexual assault. He was eighteen and my sister is only thirteen, and it was non-consensual. The guy has slight mental issues, and even dropped out of school because of them. The cops warned us that this might hurt our chances of getting charges filled on him. I do not agree that a person’s mental status can give them a free pass for breaking the law. We will write a custom essay sample on Something You Wish You Could Change or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Now from the case not being taken my sister feels not only violated by him, but by the law also. She feels like the law doesn’t believe her. He has been caught on exposing himself to others before, and he seems to now be escalating. It seems like it’s going to take him to do way worse before maybe the District Attorney will do something with him. Until this action is ever possibly taken on him, he’s getting to walk free for what he did to my sister; while my sister is left confused, angry, and violated. I don’t see why just because someone might have a little mental problem that they don’t get punished for what they do. Everyone that breaks the law deserves to get punished for it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Articulation and Pronunciation Essays

Articulation and Pronunciation Essays Articulation and Pronunciation Essay Articulation and Pronunciation Essay ?Articulation, which refers to â€Å"the action of producing a sound or word clearly, in speech or music† (Collins Conbuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary) is usually considered as synonym of pronunciation, which means â€Å"the way in which a language or a particular word or sound is pronounced† (Collins Conbuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary). In general, there is no obvious differences between â€Å"articulation† and â€Å"pronunciation† since both of them possess the sense of â€Å"voicing† in terms of definition. However, â€Å"articulation† tends to be employed more frequently compared with â€Å"pronunciation† in the area of phonetics. Therefore, this essay is written to analyse two distinctions between â€Å"articulation† and â€Å"pronunciation† with regard to definition and different focuses in phonetics. To begin with the definition, articulation means the employment of various speech mechanisms, such as lips, tongue, and teeth to produce a sound, while pronunciation refers to â€Å"the way in which the words of a language are made to sound when speaking† (Pamela, 2011). Since articulation is â€Å"the physical production of a particular speech sound† and is regarded as â€Å"the last step of sound production†, its prominence depends on how a single phoneme is made, which involves the movements of different vocal organs when it comes to completing the modification of a sound (boundless, 2014). Apart from producing a sound, different articulators are equally engaged to function in recognisable patterns in terms of changing the sound, which in accordance with changing the â€Å"place of articulation† (Genetti, 2014). However, the usage of stress, rhythm, and tone alteration on different syllables is crucial for changing the sounds of words when it comes to pronunciation. Therefore, compared with pronunciation, the definition of which focuses more on prosodic dimension, the definition for articulation primarily concentra

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Midsummer Nights Dream

Two of Shakespeare’s greatest and well known works are A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet. In the two stories, there are many paralleled similarities that are very noticeable, and some that aren’t as noticeable. First and foremost, the two stories are about star crossed lovers, one with a single pair, being Romeo and Juliet, and the other with two pairs, Lysander and Hermia, and then Demetrius and Helena, though Demetrius sought after Hermia love until the love spell with put upon him. In Romeo and Juliet, their two families are long time rivals, so naturally they have a problem with them falling in love, and they are forbidden to be with one another. In Midsummer Night’s Dream, Lysander and Hermia are in love, but Hermia’s father forbids their matrimony and gives only Demetrius his daughter’s hand in marriage. This of course leads to their rebellion against their parents, and they find other means to see each other, whether they have permission or not. They all met in semi-secluded, but somewhat public places, Juliet’s window being one because Romeo could have easily been spotted, and the forest for Lysander and Hermia, where many people walked through and the f airies socialized.... Midsummer Night's Dream Free Essays on Romeo And Juliet/ Midsummer Night's Dream Two of Shakespeare’s greatest and well known works are A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet. In the two stories, there are many paralleled similarities that are very noticeable, and some that aren’t as noticeable. First and foremost, the two stories are about star crossed lovers, one with a single pair, being Romeo and Juliet, and the other with two pairs, Lysander and Hermia, and then Demetrius and Helena, though Demetrius sought after Hermia love until the love spell with put upon him. In Romeo and Juliet, their two families are long time rivals, so naturally they have a problem with them falling in love, and they are forbidden to be with one another. In Midsummer Night’s Dream, Lysander and Hermia are in love, but Hermia’s father forbids their matrimony and gives only Demetrius his daughter’s hand in marriage. This of course leads to their rebellion against their parents, and they find other means to see each other, whether they have permission or not. They all met in semi-secluded, but somewhat public places, Juliet’s window being one because Romeo could have easily been spotted, and the forest for Lysander and Hermia, where many people walked through and the f airies socialized....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critiquing Marijuana Legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Critiquing Marijuana Legislation - Essay Example The author of the essay "Is there any Justice: Marijuana as Medicine - the Case for Legalization" begins with that the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes is viewed by many as one of the worst things that we could do. There are many reasons that people feel that marijuana should not be legalized for medical uses. Marijuana is an illegal substance and until that is changed; prescribing it is against the law. Dr. Jerome Kassirer wrote that, "Attorney General Janet Reno announced that physicians in any state who prescribe the drug could lose the privilege of writing prescriptions, be excluded from medicare and Medicaid reimbursements, and even be prosecuted for a federal crime". Government officials are not the only ones to object to the legalization of marijuana. Another objection to the legalization of marijuana is shown in "Marijuana for the Sick", where it is pointed out that many parents object to the legalization of marijuana for medical uses. Their objections come fr om a reasonable concern that there has been an increase in the use of marijuana by teenagers. Their concern is expanded since the marijuana of today is much more potent than the marijuana of a few decades ago. Another concern regarding the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes is that there is strong evidence that shows that regular use of marijuana for long periods of time could cause severe lung damage. If the use of marijuana could damage a patient's lungs, then the risk could outweigh the benefit. The strongest point that many make opposing the legalization of marijuana is that there just is no clear evidence that smoking marijuana can help an individual who is ill (Abrams, Child & Mitchell, 2005). History of Marijuana and its use in medical field The history of the beneficial use of marijuana is a long one. Marijuana is one of the oldest drugs known to man, the use of which has been documented as far back as 2700 B.C. in a Chinese manuscript (Bakalar & Grinspoon, 2007) Although no actual studies were performed at the time, the simple fact that marijuana had been used for such an extensive period of time, shows that it can be used as a beneficial substance in helping those who are ailing. There has been research done in more recent times on the effectiveness of marijuana. Many reports are in favor of utilizing medical marijuana. In 1839, a respected member of the Royal Academy of Science, Dr. W. B. O'Shaugnessy, was one of the first in the medical profession, who presented positive facts dealing with marijuana and medicine (Bakalar & Grinspoon, 2007). In one Journal of American Medical Association article, "Marijuana as Medicine, a Plea for Reconsideration" stated that from 1840 to 1900, more than one hundred articles by Ameri can and European medical journals were published that showed the therapeutic uses of marijuana. Now recall the first criteria for a drug to be considered a controlled

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Enhancing the Competitive Strategy Bank Muscat SAOG Assignment

Enhancing the Competitive Strategy Bank Muscat SAOG - Assignment Example This service should come hand in hand with liaising with other companies such as the utility companies to ensure that their bills can be paid through the bank for the customers in the bank. This will consequently increase the number of customers and also increase the revenues collected since the customers will be transacting at a fee. The bank is looking at going global in order to have the muscle and the ability to fight off any economic downturns that may face the country in the long-run. The markets in the country are volatile meaning that the bank is located in an economy that may change making it unstable. Backing the bank’s capital base and ensuring that the country cannot be worst hit by the economic or political downturns in the country can only be changed by increasing the number of branches outside the country (Bank Muscat, 2014). The bank therefore needs to assess the markets and spot the growing markets in order to establish branches in countries that have the best returns. The branches can be located in the neighboring countries such as Pakistan and India that are not too far away and in the process control the banking sector in the region through increasing their branches in the region further (Jeffreys, 2012). Targeting premier customer in the developed and developing countries such as Malay sia, China and Brazil where there is available markets for the service is also critical. The Bank should ensure that it does not back its assets in only a single area but back the assets through a stream of countries from all over the world and as a result gain the required capital base from abroad that cannot be affected by the Oman economy (Claessens and Van, 2007). The country may also consider merging with banks in the different countries that they wish to invest and ensure that the banks have a good reputation in order to ensure that the citizens of the countries believe in the bank. This is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Contentment from a Different Person’s’ Perspective Essay Example for Free

Contentment from a Different Person’s’ Perspective Essay â€Å"God knows best†. This is a title of one of the poems made by Helen Steiner Rice. It is stated in the poem that whatever challenges that come in people’s lives, it is not a punishment but an opportunity to be strong. Tears that flow from eyes will eventually become a source of courage to face life’s’ enduring trials. Sarah’s story is a story of a person who was deep challenged by God. As further reading, try to discern how God used miseries to make her a better person. Sarah is a 40-year-old woman whose life absolutely did not just began at her present age. She is a businesswoman and lives in a fast-paced world in the city. Her business is engaged in food industry and doing well in the present time. She had bought lands from several provinces where she plans to construct additional houses. At first sight, she seemed to live in just about a perfect life. However, she has no family of her own. The only family she considers is her nephew, Aldrin. She serves as his guardian for 13 years now. Aldrin suffers from one type of autism, the Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Pervasive Developmental Disorder or also termed as â€Å"atypical autism†, is a kind of catchall category for children who have some autistic problems but who don’t fit into other categories. Many people thinks that Aldrin is the only thorn of Sarah’s’ life. Little do they know that he is actually one of Sarah’s’ reason of existence. â€Å"It is not that I have no choice. I see myself from him. We both seemed outcast from our loved ones. Besides, I got no one except him. I give him love that his parents failed to provide him. In return, I receive love from a very special son which I ever dreamt of having. † Sarah, like her nephew, suffers from a different illness. She had been trying to escape a painful past. At 25, she had a child. It was a baby boy named Kurt. He was a premature baby and in fact a miracle for his part to be born alive. Unfortunately, after two years, God had to take back the child from her. His heart was too weak to make him stable. It was the most tragic moment for Sarah. She questioned God why she had to have Kurt if he will be gone right away. For 3 years, she doubted God until Aldrin enters her life. One unusual day, her sister visited her. She asked her to take care of Aldrin for two months and that she had to leave for work. The supposedly two months became years. It took long for Sarah to give herself a chance to love again. Every day, she wishes Kurt to replace Aldrin’s side. She had a lot of what if’s and could have been’s before she realized her purpose for Aldrin. Every day they spent together, she learns to sympathize with Aldrin’s condition. â€Å"I am not the only person who is being challenged by God. There is lot of people who undergo worse cases than mine. I am in fact more privileged than them. God gives me not a responsibility but a mission for someone as special as Aldrin†, Sarah said. Before, she wandered why Aldrin had to be part of her life. After years of taking care of him, she becomes more concern to why he had to be part of his, and what more can she do to help him. Indeed, people go through tough situations in life. These situations somehow define how each people are different from one another. God has his own way of molding each person. Sarah’s’ story is just one of the stories of life. There is lot of untold ones which seemed unimaginable yet real. It is only when a person understands why these situations occur that will help him appreciate and discern how God wants him to be shaped in his image. (662) Works Cited Ricamara, Sarah J. Personal Interview. 16 April 2009.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Buddhism And The Poetry Of Jac Essay -- essays research papers

Buddhism and the Poetry of Jack Kerouac For we all go back where we came from, God’s Lit Brain, his Transcendent Eye of Wisdom And there’s your bloody circle called Samsara by the ignorant Buddhists, who will still be funny Masters up there, bless em. Jack Kerouac -from Heaven   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jack Kerouac spent his creative years writing in a prosperous post world war II America. He was in many ways a very patriotic person who had no problem making known his love for his country , particularly within his literature. It was, quite literally, America that he was in love with. Taking cues from writers such as Whitman, he embraced the American landscape as a field for spiritual cultivation. Kerouac was indeed a writer with spiritual preoccupations. He saw himself as partaking in a lifelong journey through the America that was waiting to reveal itself and, consequently, himself. Also, of course, considering himself a serious writer, he would chronicle this spiritual expedition throughout a series of novels that together would be called “The Duluoz Legend.'; This was the name Kerouac had intended the novels to take on when he would assemble them in chronological order before he died. Unfortunately he died earlier than he expected and was unable to form ally assemble them. However, the legend remains.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kerouac undoubtedly made his mark on the literary world with his prose. And his prose proves itself to be a very good example of his writing as spiritual commentary. Kerouac, while wandering the country in freight cars and the backs of pick-up trucks, saw himself as a modern day sage or bodhisatva, discovering the essence of “the void'; and using his literature as a record of these discoveries. His body of work is a wonderful example of integrating Buddhism into the daily life and thought of a man living in a western culture. Kerouac could not help but find religion in every aspect of his waking day. Every thing or person he encountered or interacted with was a part of the “essence of isness.'; Within the Kerouacian canon there is, besides his prose, another shining example of Kerouac’s literary translation of the spirituality of living. Throughout his career Kerouac wrote several volumes of poetry, all of which deal with using the poetic medium to express ... ...ters as in Japanese called for this strict adherence to be dropped. In being that Haiku is Japanese in origin, it is reflected in Kerouac’s attempts that he was trying to see poetry from a Zen perspective. A few such attempts are as follows. Dusk: the bird on the fence a contemporary of mine Enlightenment is: do what you want eat what there is The moon, the falling star- Look elsewhere   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jack Kerouac was a writer with spiritual preoccupations. He allowed religion to be what it is, an integral part of everything one does, including writing. Just as a Buddhist, Jack saw life as a miracle. This was a miracle, though, that could be understood. However, from the perspective of a westerner it is believed that only God can understand miracles. Kerouac, seeing things from the perspective of the “innumerable diamond essences'; would have no problem with this argument. He would then, through his poetry and prose, explain us all to be God. He would open his Buddhist eyes to the world and record his meditations. Life was a miracle as well as art to Kerouac. Buddhism showed this to Kerouac, and Kerouac showed this to the western world.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

New Social Movements Essay

To what extent do new social movements represent a challenge to established ways of conducting liberal democratic policies? In order to understand the extent of the challenge posed by new social movements to liberal democratic policy and the ways in which they are conducted one must first understand what these policies entail. These policies or principles are listed by Goodwin as: 1. Supremacy of the people. 2. Consent of the governed as the basis of legitimacy. 3. The rule of law: peaceful methods of conflict resolution. 4. The existence of the common good or public interest, 5. The value of the individual as a rational moral active citizen. 6. Equal rights for all individuals.1 The modern day concept of a liberal democracy is based on the liberalist movement of the philosophers of the eighteenth century. However the advent of past social has resulted in challenges to the ways in which liberal democracy has been and is conducted over the intervening years since that time; the suffrage movement and the American civil rights movement against segregation are two such examples. These movements were successful because those in power allowed them to succeed (admittedly with some reluctance). More recently, that is over the past twenty to thirty years new social movements have grown up. These movements are campaigning on various issues including: * Anti globalisation; the backlash against the increase in power of large corporations and the perceived lack of legislation restricting their actions. * Extremist religious groups. * Environmental change; the movement and groups pushing for greater respect for the planet in a global community. There are also many other groups which have grown up as a result of the mass movement of peoples. These groups campaign for greater minority rights, and more freedom to express cultural heritage. Heywood states additionally that these groups are a result of the post-modernist era: â€Å"If the major political ideologies were in their various ways, products of modernisation [i.e. the labour movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries], the transition from a modern to a post modern society cannot but have profound significance for their [the new movements] roles and character [†¦] post modernity [†¦] has both thrown

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Essay on the Holy Prophet

A prophet means a messenger of God to mankind. The mission of a prophet’s life is to spread the Word of God. The total number of such prophets is one lac and twenty four thousand. The Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him) was the last messenger of God to the whole world. The Holy Prophet was born in Arabia‘ in 571 A. D. He was named Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The Arabs were a race of wild tribes. They led a cruel life. They burried their newly-born daughters alive.They ill-treated women, orphans and slaves. They worshipped Idols. They were addicted to wine, adultery gambling, and bloody quarrels. The Holy Prophet was sent by God to set these bad people right. He hated their cruel ways. He worked hard to reform them. He changed their habits and manners by his own shinning example. He taught them to speak the truth, to showed, mercy to the poor and the sufferers to respect women and to be kind to children. At the age of forty, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had revelations .By dint of this high character, nobility of mind, his truthfulness and broad humanity he gained some disciples. He began his great missionary work and started preaching the gospel of God. His followers grew from day to day. The Holy Prophet was called Sadiq (Truthful) and Ameen (Trustee) even by his enemies because of his honesty and straight-forwardness. The Prophet married a widow Khadija by name who embraced Islam and stood by the Holy Prophet throughout her life. The old idol-worshippers tried their best to harm and tease him.They wanted even to kill him. The Prophet fled to Madina in the company of Hazrat Abu Bakar, This day of exodus marks the dawn of the Islamic Hijra (Exodus). Madina became the centre of the Islamic activity of the Prophet. He gained many followers there. He mobilised them into a small army. He challenged several hundred of thousands of his enemies with the help of that small band and inflicted defeat after defeat upon them. At Iast the Holy Prophet entered Makkah as a victor. He showed grace and mercy to all the Makkans and proclaimed general amnesty.Thus he set a shining example of humanity and high mindedness before the world. The Prophet taught his followers a simple code of life. He wanted them to live peacefuly, serve others, speak the truth and help the needy. His life is a living source of inspirations to the world. Lives of great men all remind us. We can make our lives subime. And departing leave behind us. Footprints on the sands of time. No life – history of any man has such an inspiring record of the day-to-day events as the simple but stirring story of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Unintended Cosequences of Information Age Technologies

The Unintended Cosequences of Information Age Technologies IntroductionThe Unintended Cosequences of Information Age TechnologiesMilitary organizations are, by their very nature, resistant to change. This is, in no small part, due to the fact that the cost of error is exceedingly high. Change, particularly change that may affect the relationships among organizations and between commanders and their subordinates, presents significant risks and generates considerable concern.The explosion of information technologies has set in motion a virtual tidal wave of change that is in the process of profoundly affecting organizations and individuals in multiple dimensions. The military is no exception. At the very beginning of the information age, technological advances made it possible to provide more complete, more accurate, and more timely information to decision makers. As the costs of processing and communications power tumbled, it became cost-effective for organizations to adopt and utilize information technologies in more and more situations.Mili tary organizations have traditionally provided information to forces in three ways: commands, intelligence, and doctrine.U.S. Marine Corps General Peter Pace, Chairman of ...Commands serve to define the specific task at hand. Intelligence provides information about the environment in which the task is to be carried out. Doctrineprovides the "rules of the game" or standard operating procedures. Doctrine, unlike commands and intelligence, is not provided in real time, but serves to shape the culture and mind sets of the individuals involved. Thus, information has, until recently, been inseparable from commanders, command structures, and command systems. Each of these three ways of communicating information about what is expected of subordinate organizations and individuals has evolved over time to be mutually supportive of an overall command concept or approach matched to the nature of the conflict and the capabilities of the forces. The success of military operations depends to a lar ge extent upon the ability to coordinate activities to achieve synchronized operations. Ensuring that individuals behave...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Easy English Proverbs

Easy English Proverbs Learning proverbs - or sayings - are a great way to get insight and improve your English. Unfortunately, some proverbs are easy to understand and others more difficult. This article provides twenty easy proverbs that are right for your level. Each proverb has a definition for you to learn the proverb. Once you have learned these twenty proverbs, match the situations to the appropriate proverb at the end of the article. Teachers can use these activities with proverbs in the classroom to help your learners. List of Proverbs Accidents happen. Mistakes and bad events naturally happen. Its not your fault. Better late than never. Its good you came to something. The customer is always right. People who pay money for something you sell deserve respect. You only die once. Nothing in life is so bad. Easy does it. Be careful, dont go too fast. Every man has his price. Every person will do anything for enough money. Fight fire with fire. If someone is aggressive with you, be aggressive with that person. If you cant be good, be careful. When you do something that mom and dad wont like, dont be too crazy. Home is where the heart is. Your true place is with the people you love. The king can do no wrong. People with a lot of power, the boss, etc. do wrong, but are not criticized by others. Knowledge is power. Learning will help you succeed in life. Live and learn. Living teaches you lessons, take advantage of the lessons. He lives long who lives well. Living healthfully will lead to a long life. Money isnt everything. Money is not the only important thing in life. Never say never. Life will surprise you, dont say no to things. Never too old to learn. No matter how old you are you should learn new things. No news is good news. If you dont hear anything from someone, it means that everything is OK. Out of sight, out of mind. If you dont see or hear about something, you wont worry about it. You get what you pay for. Quality items are never cheap. Every picture tells a story. Each situation tells you something about the people and places involved. Matching Proverbs Test Match the proverbs below with the appropriate situations for the proverb. Better late than never.The king can do no wrong.Never say never.You get what you pay for.He lives long who lives well.No news is good news.Easy does it.Every man has his price.Home is where the heart is.Out of sight, out of mind.Fight fire with fire.Every picture tells a story.The customer is always right.You can only die once.Knowledge is power.Accidents will happen.Never too old to learn.Money isnt everything.Live and learn.If you cant be good, be careful.Dont worry about what you did. Sometimes bad things happen.Im glad you are here, even if the party started three hours ago.Even though that man makes you angry, he is spending money in our shop. Be nice.I know it was bad news, but there are worse things in life.Speak to Peter again. Im sure you can convince him to join our company.If Mary is going to do that to you, you need to do something to Mary.When you go to college, you will probably do some things you shouldnt. Please dont be too crazy!Ive moved all over the world with my w ife. Were happy together no matter where we live. Hes the director of the company, so he can do what he wants.This bad experience is only part of your life. Dont worry about it.You might not want to visit Los Angeles today, but maybe you will someday.I know its hard to find a new job when you are 53, but you can do it!I havent heard from my brother for more than three months.Shes gone so her mother doesnt worry about her so much.Im not surprised it already broke. You only paid $10 for that toy.Look at those two old people holding hands. I think they probably have a good marriage.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Black Swan English Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Black Swan English - Research Paper Example It is not only Natalie Portman’s acting that grabs the audience. The film is a virtual acting tour de force with all of the actors turning in spectacular performances. Barbara Hershey as Nina’s mothering has managed her role with aplomb. She does not fall into the temptation of taking over the stereotype of the pushy mother with her own issues to resolve, who sees in her own daughter’s success, the success she could not have. There is enough rawness and originality in the character of Barbara Hershey to make us believe that we are seeing that character for the first time. Mila Kunis is darkly and richly sensual. A scene between Nina and Lily is suggestive of lesbian sex, but it is well-crafted and artistically-executed. Winona Ryder’s role was perhaps a satire of her own career – the has-been ingenue, the doted upon pet that is now no more. If there is one thing that is disappointing about the acting in the movie, it is in the character of Vincent C assel, who plays the director with lascivious designs on Nina. In contrast to the textured characters played by the female characters, Cassel’s Thomas Leroy is two-dimensional. The cinematography was dark and gritty, with enough claustrophobia to mimic Nina’s transformation. As she finds herself being smothered further and further by the â€Å"Black Swan† inside of her, we experience the same sense of terrifying asphyxiation through clever cinematography and deft use of lighting. The musical score also helped to convey the sense of darkness and increasing despair, although in parts, the use of the Swan Lake music was a bit too heavy-handed in parts: one feels as if he or she is being manipulated to feel something, to react in a particular way. The editing of the movie is flawless, and one can see the expertise of the director as he recreates through visuals the complex relationship webs between the characters. There is Nina and Lily, dancing rivals locked in a c omplicated friendship with sexual undertones. There the relationship between Nina and her mother, a relationship where both are prisoners: the mother, by regrets and unattained dreams of the past, and the daughter, by the relentless ambition of her mother that she has come to appropriate as her own. And then of course, there is Nina and Thomas, mentor and mentee, young ingenue and manipulative professor, Pygmalion and his Galatea, dance partners, lovers. The movie was also replete with cinematic metaphors: the rash that begins small and then grows and festers on Nina’s body until it becomes the beginnings of black feathers as a metaphor for transformation, the pink-cupcake-and-doily theme in Nina’s room as a metaphor for the her child-like innocence and fragility, but some people might say, forced infantilization by her mother who demanded that she remain breathlessly feminine. And then of course, there is dance as a metaphor, the graceful (and sometimes graceless) neg otiations and dynamics of human beings within relationships, tiptoeing and smoothly sailing sometimes, but at other times, spinning with frenetic movement and a raw, primal violence that consumes the partner and ultimately the dancer herself. It

Friday, November 1, 2019

High and low culture Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

High and low culture - Term Paper Example In order to understand the history and the relationship between the high and the low culture it would be necessary to refer to their basic characteristics. In accordance with Inglis, the term ‘low culture’ is used in order to describe ‘cultural products which exhibit qualities that are the opposite of great art’. However, at this point, the following problem appears: which would be the criteria on which the evaluation of a piece of art as of ‘high’ or ‘low’ culture would be based? It is explained that the views of people on art and quality can be differentiated. Works of art which are considered as of low quality for a particular individual may be regarded as exceptional by another person, i.e. subjectivity when referring to high or low culture cannot be avoided. At the same time, low culture has been related to the characteristics/ background of the creator, meaning that culture produced by people belonging in disadvantage minorities is likely to be considered as ‘low’ even if its quality is significant. On the other hand, it is made clear that the distance between high c ulture and everyday life is not so high as believed. It is noted that high culture can be used, at the same level as the low culture, for understanding the cultural trends of people within a particular society. On the other hand, Ferrarotti notes that the differentiation between the high and the low culture – also known as popular culture – reflects ‘the dichotomy between articulated culture and culture conceived of as a mode of life.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discusses the nature of contemporary societal problems in general and Essay

Discusses the nature of contemporary societal problems in general and Dubai in particular (two to three pages) - Essay Example Even though the pollution problem cannot be considered new and is apparently diminishing within the developed world, it is still a rapidly growing problem globally and it’s most common effect today being global warming and unpredictable weather patterns. The rapid population growth is yet another problem and is considered as the side effect of advancements in improved life expectancy and diminished child mortality rates. The rapid population growth has put a lot of strain on the available resources and some of the recent wars can be linked to fighting over control over limited resources. Dubai has in the recent years rapidly developed to become a prototype of a modern city. Dubai’s advancements have of cause come with a lot of modernization advantages but have at the same time come with major disadvantages to the society. Among the problems experienced today is prostitution which involves adults and unfortunately, children too (Mooney, Knox & Schacht, 2008). There have been a few cases of children being abducted from other parts of the world and smuggled into Dubai to serve in prostitution rings. While there have been recent attempts to this vice, there still remain wide areas within the city where the vice goes on unchecked especially within low class hotels and parking lots where the police rarely intervene (Davison, 2008). Dubai’s successful free port is a haven for human traffickers and has provided them with an opportunity to do carry on with their illegal trade and in most cases, go unpunished. Dubai’s human trafficking trade has flourished to a point where Dubai is regarded as a major human trafficking centre. The large heterogeneous expatriate population, combined with Dubai’s attempts to create a friendlier environment for foreign tourists and investors has resulted in major erosions of some important components of the society in Dubai. Dubai is mostly made up of Muslims and the cases of binge drinking and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Arab Spring and the French Revolution Essay Example for Free

Arab Spring and the French Revolution Essay Prosper (Reap the rewards of your preparation and performance) The essay must include the following: Introduction paragraph (5 points) * First sentence is a quote used to â€Å"hook† the reader * You need to â€Å"in-text cite† the source of the quote * Then at least three sentences of French Revolution, Arab Spring background/historical context that sets up the thesis * Utilize facts from the French Revolution and Arab Spring * (Meaning: don’t respond to the prompt in the first four sentences) Thesis (15 points) A sophisticated, insightful, crystal clear thesis that states your argument and â€Å"drives† your essay * Thesis makes a claim that is analytical answering â€Å"why† or â€Å"How† (Hint: use the word â€Å"because†) * The thesis is the last sentence of the Introduction but is linked to each body paragraph topic (Claim) sentence Body Paragraphs Claim/Evidence (10 points) * Each topic (Claim) sentence must link to the Thesis otherwise I won’t read the paragraph; therefore no checks! * Each topic sentence must be supported with evidence from resources (utilizing details/facts—Characters, Setting, Plot, Quotes†¦Do Not Generalize!!! * A good rule of thumb is that each topic sentence (body paragraph) is supported with three evidences. Body Warrant/Analysis (10 points) * Include creative and thoughtful analysis * Make sense of FR/Prompt by stating something interesting and unique * Utilize â€Å"Big Idea† terms in your paragraphs (Analogy, Cause and Effect, Compare and Contrast, Foreshadowing, Irony, â€Å"Nothing New Under the Sun†, Paradox, â€Å"Turning Points†) * Explain the â€Å"Big Ideas† thoughtfully and completely Conclusion paragraph (5 points) Wrap the essay up with a conclusion that restates the main points of your essay * Do not include a new argument to the conclusion * Say something interesting: Leave me in awe, impressed; move my heart and mind! Mechanics/ MLA Requirements (10 points) * Excellent sentence structure, grammar and punctuation * The paper fulfills all MLA requirements (see checklist) * The Works Cited page is properly formatted (see checklist) * All of the required sources (3) are cited properly in the paper * The paper was submitted to turnitin. com by the deadline * The paper must be 850 1000 words Essay Rubric Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Introduction (5/55)ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 5 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 Proper Introduction†¦ * First sentence used to â€Å"hook† the reader * You need to â€Å"in-text cite† the source of the quote * Then at least three sentences of FR, Arab Spring background/historical context that sets up the thesis Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Thesis (15/55)ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 15 14 13 12 11 10 * A sophisticated, insightful, crystal clear thesis states your argument and â€Å"drives† your essay * Thesis makes a claim that is analytical answering â€Å"why† or â€Å"How† (Hint: use the word â€Å"because†) * The thesis is the last sentence of the Introduction but is linked to each body paragraph topic (Claim) sentence 2+ 21 20 19 17 16 13 12 11 Body: Claim/Evidence (10/55)ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 10 pts 9 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts. * Each topic (Claim) sentence must link to the Thesis otherwise I won’t read the paragraph; therefore no checks! * Each topic (Claim) sentence must be supported with evidence from resources (utilizing details/facts People, Setting, Quotes†¦Do Not Generalize!!! ) * Each detail/fact will be checked (). The more checks () the better! Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Body: Warrant/Analysis (10/55) ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 10 pts 9 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts. * Include creative and thoughtful analysis * Say something interesting and unique * Utilize â€Å"Big Idea† terms in your sentences (Analogy, Cause and Effect, Compare and Contrast, Foreshadowing, Irony, â€Å"Nothing New Under the Sun†, Paradox, â€Å"Turning Points†) * Explain the â€Å"Big Ideas† thoughtfully and completely The ideas of the paper flow logically and are exceptionally stated Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Conclusion (5/55)ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 5 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 * Wrap the essay up with a conclusion that restates the main points of your essay * Do not include a new argument to the conclusion * Say something interesting: Leave me in awe, impressed; move my heart and mind! Excellent Strong Useful Basic Lacking ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 0 pts 9 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts. Mechanics/MLA (10/55) * Excellent sentence structure, grammar and punctuation * The paper fulfills all MLA requirements (see checklist) * The Works Cited page is properly formatted (see checklist)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Abortion By RU486 :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Dangers inherent in this method of abortion are evident in precautions used in other countries, for example France. The Food and Drug Administration based its 1996 finding that drug-induced abortion using mifepristone and misoprostol ("M/M") was "safe and effective" on results involving a subgroup of women (1,681) in French trials. M/M abortions in France are performed at government-operated hospitals and clinics, typically with or adjacent to emergency room facilities. Women are screened for numerous medical conditions that rule out use of the two drugs. Ultrasound is used to determine gestational age and to rule out tubal pregnancy. After women are given prostaglandin (e.g., misoprostol), they are monitored on site for approximately four hours so that allergic reactions, cardiopulmonary "events," hemorrhaging and the like can be treated promptly before they become life-threatening. A 1990 directive jointly signed by the French Republic's Director General of Health, Director of Hospitals and Director of Pharmacy and Medication, states that whenever prostaglandins are given "in association with RU 486" the "following technical conditions ... are indispensable and are to be followed: ... b) The doctor must ensure that diagnostic instruments and machines are close by, such as electrocardiogram equipment and particularly resuscitative cardiopulmonary equipment (including nitrous oxide and injectable calcium antagonists and a fibrillator). ... c) [C]linical observations and blood-pressure readings every half hour are indispensable for several hours following the administration of these drugs. d) Whenever there is ches t pain, an electrocardiogram should be taken on the suspicion of rhythm troubles and in case of significant lowering of blood pressure" ("Letter"). In Sweden, women are "supervised by the midwife for 4 to 6 hours at the outpatient clinic" (Bygdeman). In China "the emphasis on close medical supervision is well accepted. ... It is stressed that misoprostol should be taken in the clinic and followed by several hours of observation" (Wu). The long observation is one reason that staffs in some large hospitals in China are growing reluctant to prescribe the drug combination: "The number of medical abortions has decreased recently in some of the large hospitals. The staffs were too busy to handle the procedure (more counseling, more visits, and observation), and they also have to manage the referred cases with serious side effects and complications" (Wu 199). Searle, which manufactures misoprostol under the brand name Cytotec, has consistently opposed the use of Cytotec for labor induction and for

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare Nothing’s Changed with one other poem in Cluster 1, in relation to the theme of injustice

Compare Nothing's Changed with one other poem in Cluster 1, in relation to the theme of injustice. I have decided to compare Limbo with Nothing's Changed, about the theme of injustice. Both Tatamkhulu Afrika and Edward Kamau Braithwaite have shown in Nothing's Changed and Limbo, that even through the unjust world that is described in the poems, there is still hope which prevails through the misery and despair. In Limbo, the repetition of â€Å"Limbo, Limbo like me†, shows that even through the loneliness they are put through, there remains still a ‘pulse', the constant beat of those two lines shows that the slaves' dance and music, still prevails through what is slavery. The effect created is that through the bad times, there is still happiness which surpasses suffering, and this line still is repeated to the end of the poem, where we know is the end of the bad events, through the saying, â€Å"sun coming up† on line 40. This effect is a main part of the poem, as the suffering at the start of the poem, is juxtaposed with the pulse and limbo dance through the slaves lives through the poem. In Nothing's Changed, similar repetition techniques have shown injustice in the world. As Nothing's Changed was based on the post apartheid times in South Africa, the poet writes how although it would be illegal to discriminate, and how there no longer are signs promoting this, it still happens, and is through the antithesis of District Six, and the â€Å"new, up-market† town, mentioned in line 22. The repetition of â€Å"and† in lines 12-15 is using the poetic technique of caesura, which means through repeating the words it causes more of an effect. As the poet describes his growing anger at how society is understood in South Africa, and how the punctuation used in those lines, the commas hold a large significance to the poet's exaggeration on those lines. Visually, each line progresses longer than the previous one, which may be a way the poet is to show his growing anger about society. The poet also juxtaposes many of the features in his home of District Six to the new, up-market towns. â€Å"Amiable weeds†, shows that the poets believe that even the weeds are friendlier than â€Å"Brash† environment of the richer areas. The use of â€Å"guard at the gatepost† and â€Å"working man's cafi† shows juxtaposed opinions of the two different places. As having a guard suggests that the environment is more hostile and that you may be overpriced, while the working man's cafi suggests that it's a more honest and friendly place to eat. The repetition of â€Å"glass† four times in Nothing's Changed has a considerable significance, as it shows how even though the apparent apartheid is over, there is still an ‘invisible' barrier which stops the people from doing what people would be doing in Port Jackson, which could be reflected through the usage of glass. In both of these poems, there is a significant usage of onomatopoeia and harsh sounding words, which suggests that both poets, especially for Nothing's Changed is writing in a pessimistic tone, whilst Limbo, shows optimism through the continuation of â€Å"Limbo, Limbo like me†. The harsh sounds, â€Å"Dark deck† in Limbo, line 21 and 23, use alliteration and through the sound of the words suggest hostility on board. Down, down, down† on lines 34-36 shows how they believe they are below everybody else and that they are sinking further into despair. But then in lines 44-46, this is juxtaposed with â€Å"Up, up, up† where it shows that the slaves may have another chance for a better live and to rise from the suppression. In Nothing's Changed, throughout the poem, there are many alliterative words, such as â€Å"labouring† and â€Å"lungs†, which shows alliterative words which increase the resentment and the dislike that the poet has of the â€Å"whites only inn†. Assonance is used in the poem, in lines 20-22, â€Å"weeds†, â€Å"trees† and â€Å"cuisine†, which the tone of all these lines relate to the resentment that the poet has of Port Jackson, and how he feels that the apartheid may not have been lifted, but rather having a larger effect on their lives than before. The poet clearly shows his feelings, through relating to Port Jackson as â€Å"it†, which suggests that it's a hostile and unfriendly place, whilst he relates to District Six as â€Å"we† which shows his strong allegiance with his past, and believes that times have not really changed even though the apartheid has been lifted.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Aspects of Contract and Business Law Essay

Laws, contracts and customs are rules that shape our everyday lives. These date back for centuries. There are a number of different elements that make up a valid contract that can be used in business today, these consist of the following. Offer Offers are made to sell or buy a product from an individual or company. Unilateral offers are offers that apply to everyone, i.e. an advert in a newspaper. An offer must be precise, specific and certain. In order for there to be a contract then an offer must first be in place. Rocky Tops offer indoor climbing sessions to the public upon which they choose to accept or not, depending on the price. Their offer to host indoor climbing lessons must be clear on what the customer will get in return for their money, this would be things such as how long the sessions last, what will be available to them and whether equipment is included within the price. Consideration Consideration is when an individual or company assesses what they would get out of the offer and what benefit it would be to them. So when Nick saw the poster and went to buy a new set of ropes and crampons he had to consider what would he was getting out of the deal. He has to hand over his cash in order to receive the ropes and crampons and needs to assess whether it is a beneficial outcome to him. Two Parties A contract is between two parties. One contract cannot provide details for anymore participants as it wouldn’t be certain enough. In order for it is certain one contract is kept between two parties. One party will offer a deal and the other party has to consider whether to accept it or not. An example of a contract formed between two parties within the case study is Rocky Tops and Julie. This is when Julie decides to book a block of 6 climbing lessons and signs a document stating that the sessions can be cancelled by either herself or Rocky Tops within 7 days’ notice. Capacity In order to accept an offer you must have the capacity to do so. This requires you to be above the age of 18 and in the right state of mind to carry out the deal with full knowledge of what you are getting into (i.e. you can’t be under the influence of alcohol or drugs). Rocky Tops is formed by a partnership between Bill and Ben. When they anticipated to both make Rocky Tops into a partnership they both had the right capacity to do so, this means they could make the decision individually to go ahead with the partnership contract in which they are both legally bound to. Acceptance Acceptance is when both parties agree to the terms and conditions stated in the contract and are both aware that they are legally bound to the contract. When an individual accepts the offer the contract is signed. Rocky Tops accepted an offer from Weathering Heights as they agreed to purchase  £50,000 worth of equipment to be dispatched and delivered by 1st February 2011. They agreed to the terms and conditions and both parties are legally bound to the contract. Communication Communication between the two parties needs to be consistent as each individual needs to be clear on what they are agreeing to and also needs to be kept in the loop should anything change in the contract. When writing up the contract it should be clearly communicated, especially with price. The buyer must be aware of the final cost because if the price included contained hidden costs then the contact isn’t valid and there are grounds for complaint. Bill and Ben, the owners of Rocky Tops, had to communicate with Julie in order to tell her that her third lesson has been cancelled. They did so 10 days prior to the third lesson via a letter. The letter stated that if she fails to rebook within one week she will forfeit her money for that session. Legality When writing up the contact everything stated has to be legal. You can’t put anything that is against the law as it will make the contract invalid. Rocky Tops did this when creating a sales contract with Julie when she wanted to book a block of 6 climbing lessons. They had to make sure that everything stated in the contract was all legal in order to prevent the contract falling through or being taken to court. Intention When an individual or company decides to accept the contract they must do so with the right intentions. This means that when they sign the contract they are actually willing to carry it out and are serious about it. This is evident in the case study when Rocky Tops agreed to purchasing  £50,000 worth of equipment from Weather Heights. This was a contract that the terms were defined by the supplier. Rocky Tops entered with the right intentions as they actually meant to go through with the contract. Case Study Contracts: â€Å"Bill and Ben are keen rock-climbers and wish to establish a new business† Partnership contract â€Å"They aim to have their grand opening on 1st March 2011 and already have premises confirmed† Estate agent contract â€Å"Rocky Tops have agreed to purchase 50,000 worth of equipment from Weather Heights to be dispatched and delivered by 1st February 2011† Terms of supplier contract â€Å"Rock Tops will also be offering instruction and lessons on their indoor climbing wall to both novice rock climbers and the more experienced† Liability Insurance Contract â€Å"Nick sees the poster and buys a new set of ropes and crampons† Sales Contract â€Å"Julie goes to Rock Tops and books a block of 6 climbing lessons and signs a document stating that the sessions can be cancelled by either herself or Rocky Tops within 7 days notice†